Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Episode #2: The Middle Ages

The episode explored many things, but we focused on the relationship of faith and reason. Another way to think out is, How can we come to know that Christianity is true? How do claims in the Bible relate to claims outside of the Bible?

Today, most people put faith in a realm apart from fact. It looks like this:

Faith: values, preferences, unverifiable
Fact: empirical truths, verifiable

Let me know what you think, please.


Daniel said...

When I've had the wonderful opportunity to teach this sort of thing to college age people I always explain the Fact/Value split. In my own experience, even among Christians (!) they have never "thought of it that way." I think this concept needs to be advertised more to Christians and possibly even preached.

With the uproar of the Expelled movie coming out this Friday there has been a lot of stone throwing in the media (and on your other blog). ID is a perfect example of the Fact/Value split--- science and therefore truth belongs to people with pHd's in biology and nothing more.

It is my hope that despite the neo-darwinian spin machine that has abducted the mass media that people will go to see this movie and think about the claims being made. At the very least people should see this movie to hear what the other side has to say straight from the horse's mouth (contra a certain someone's opinion on the other blog).

Douglas Groothuis, Ph.D. said...


You are right. The mass mediated/medicated model is this:

"You religious people can believe whatever you want; you have your set of values. But leave the facts, logic, and evidence about objective reality to us--the naturalists.

If you challenge the facticity of any point of naturalism, we will label you as intolerant and as imposing your subjective value judgments on people who do not hold them. How rude! Would you impose your hobbies on others?!"

This absurd model is used even when ID people of high intellectual caliber give arguments dripping with empirical evidence and careful logic.

We must continue to challenge this with facts and logic. As Schaeffer said at the end of one of his lectures at Wheaton College that became "Death in the City"--"Keep on, keep on, keep on!"