Sunday, August 5, 2012

Seven deadly sins


1. statist, against American exceptionalism (America is "just another nation, and a bad one at that),
2. progressive (the Constitution is an evolving document, subject to the whims of modern opinion; thus, there is no "law above merely human law"),
3. pro-sodomy (support same-sex marriage),
4. class-warfare monger, economic trickster (the poor are not poor because the rich are rich),
5. pro-abortion with a deadly vengeance (your tax dollars will pay for it, whatever your conscience may be),
6. against the First Amendment (since he wants to restrict "the free exercise of religion" by making religious Americans pay for abortion).
7. puts the UN above the Constitution, thus endorsing internationalism. I do not put China and Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan on the same moral level as these United States of America.

How can you vote for this traitor to American values?

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