Sunday, November 4, 2012

To Christians

To my Christian readers.

You are a child of heaven but also a citizen of earth. You are to seek the welfare of the city to which you have been exiled (Jer. 29:7) and be "salt and light" in this broken world (Matthew 5:1-18) We are to render to state what is the state's (which is not everything) and to God what is God's (Matthew 22:15-23). We are to see the welfare of "the least of these" (Matthew 25:31-46).

1. Being apolitical is being apathetic about how God's world is governed in the civil sphere. Not everything is politics, but politics is crucial to our life together on God's earth. Some political views are closer to a biblical ethic than others. Therefore:
2. Seek the good of the city, the least the last the lost, by voting for candidates that deny statism (see Ezek 28:1-10). This idolatry and bad news for any society.
3. The state does not create wealth; people and other institutions do that. Let the people and voluntary assembles thrive (under the rule of Law, not the rule of men).
4. Putting more and more souls on welfare and food stamps does not dignify them or help solves their problems. Happiness is earned, it is not derived from state handouts. That fosters a parasite mentality.
5. Allowing over one million unborn human beings made in God's image to be killed each year through abortion is morally wrong. Fifty-four million (54,000,000) have been so killed since Roe v. Wade in 1973. We have blood on our hands and are tracking it into our churches, homes, and schools. We need to be watchman, prophets who call out sin for those who cannot: the unborn. You cannot make your cheap peace with a President that would expand "reproductive rights" (abortion on demand) and insure that abortions are paid for with tax money, that would make religious organizations insure for abortion.
6. The Bible teaches that debt is unhealthy. It should be limited not protracted. We must get our debt under control, or it will control us, and crush the life out of our economy and our spirits.
7. The state has "the power of the sword" (Romans 13:-17) and has the right to protect its people by force. This is a hostile and dangerous world. Cutty back on the military and not protecting our citizens abroad (Libya) is a dereliction of duty and a disgrace.
8. Be not deceived, but judge properly (see John 7:24). The political language of compassion, it not the same thing as real policies that give the poor a chance. Moreover, since the state is an impersonal agency based on coercion, it cannot be compassionate, but it can be just. Individuals, churches, private groups can be compassionate, and should be. When they are taxes up to their eyeballs, they have less to give.

In light of (1)-(8), please vote knowledgeably, wisely, and prayerfully.

1 comment:


Is it not true that internet porn sites including immorality based movies and TV programs and even immorally product done magazine adverts including fashion shows indirectly contribute toward abortions? Ii is high time we Christians (extinct species?)begin tackling these critical issue at source level rather than blaming the shocking aftereffects of willful stupidity.